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Sorry, this entry is only available in Bulgarian.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Bulgarian.
THE STORY OF YESTERDAY Idea and realization: Galina Borissova With: Alexandra Spassova, Willy Prager, Iva Sveshtarova, Miroslava Zahova, Nathan Cooper, Stephan A. Shtereff Design curtains: Eva Gebreva Wallpaper photography: Irena Tsvetanova Produced by Nomad Dance Academy-Bulgaria The production is funded by the Ministry of Culture and Etud Foundation and is realized in partnership with Etud Gallery. Between walls, curtains and wallpapers six performers dream with uncertain intentions and temporary decisions. How often do we feel lonely in the presence of others? Memories are never as…Continue Reading “THE STORY OF yesterday”
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Sorry, this entry is only available in Bulgarian.
19 June 2017 “WHITE OVER WHITE” P.S. – premiere 19:30, Etud gallery by Maya Pramatarova, a stage version for the festival “Etud and Friends” With: Lidiya Stefanova and Mariyana Krumova Sound picture: Nevena Pramatarova With thanks to Lyudmil Angelov With thanks to Chaika Petrusheva Stage environment: Boyan Bahrin and Ventsislava Stoyanova P.S. to the performance of Ventsislav Asenov Poster: Antonio Stoyanov Festival “Etud and Friends 2017” second edition is an initiative of the Etud Foundation and is being implemented with the financial support of the…Continue Reading “WHITE OVER WHITE P.S.”
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Sorry, this entry is only available in Bulgarian.
ETUD Gallery organizes life drawing evenings. Several evenings a month we invite models to all who want to draw (it takes place between 6:30 and 9:30 pm). We offer you the opportunity to sketch the models in a cozy and friendly atmosphere. We look forward to everyone who likes to draw! Up-to-date information about the exact dates of upcoming events can be found on the Facebook page of the event, as well as in a section upcoming on the site. —