COLLIER AWARD 2019 and group exhibition

Categories 2019, 2019, Events, Exhibitions

‘The Collier Award’ (an artists’s recognition)

group exhibition “December in Etud”


‘The Collier Award’ (an artists’s recognition) was established by Etud Foundation in 2017 and it is awarded to artists from various fields of arts.
The award is named after Nathan S. Collier without whose financial support there would be no Etud Foundation or Etud Gallery. Ani (Vladislavova) Collier and her husband Nathan live in the United States and support art in Bulgaria through the Etud Foundation and Etud Gallery for more than a decade. The award (3 000 lv) is not related to a future project or past achievements, but is given to people whose life is dedicated to art.

‘The Collier Award’ will be awarded for a third time on December 19 (Thursday) during the last group exhibition that brought together in one exhibit works for artists who, over the years, have been friends of the Etud Foundation and the Etud Gallery. The two recipients will be announced by Ani Collier, founder of Etud Foundation.