19 June 2017
“WHITE OVER WHITE” P.S. – premiere
19:30, Etud gallery
by Maya Pramatarova, a stage version for the festival “Etud and Friends”
With: Lidiya Stefanova and Mariyana Krumova
Sound picture: Nevena Pramatarova
With thanks to Lyudmil Angelov
With thanks to Chaika Petrusheva
Stage environment: Boyan Bahrin and Ventsislava Stoyanova
P.S. to the performance of Ventsislav Asenov
Poster: Antonio Stoyanov
Festival “Etud and Friends 2017” second edition is an initiative of the Etud Foundation and is being implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture and the Etud Foundation in partnership with Etud Gallery and DNK – space for contemporary dance and performance.