‘The Collier Award’ (an artists’s recognition) group exhibition “December in Etud” 19/12/2019 ‘The Collier Award’ (an artists’s recognition) was established by Etud Foundation in 2017 and it is awarded to artists from various fields of arts. The award is named after Nathan S. Collier without whose financial support there would be no Etud Foundation or Etud Gallery. Ani (Vladislavova) Collier and her husband Nathan live in the United States and support art in Bulgaria through the Etud Foundation and Etud Gallery for more than a…Continue Reading “COLLIER AWARD 2019 and group exhibition”
Patient Labyrinth 30/11/2019 – 14/12/2019 Exhibition by Ventsislava Stoyanova —
Somewhere here, Somewhere there 12/11/2019 – 23/11/2019 Exhibition by Bilyana Bachvarova —
ISLANDS 22/10/2019 – 09/11/2019 Exhibition by Lilyana Dvoryanova —
The field of Desires 05/10/2019 – 19/10/2019 Exhibition by Orlin Dvorianov —
AUTOFOCUS IV 02/10/2019 – 04/10/2019 Exhibition paintings by students from the Department of Visual Arts of the Sofia University / Series of student events in gallery ETUD / —
LIBER MUNDI 23/09/2019 – 28/09/2019 Exhibition by Velin Belev —
WHITE NOISE 10/09/2019 – 21/09/2019 Exhibition by Natalia Malakova —
Тhe Clown doll’s dream 28/05/2019 – 08/06/2019 exhibition by Yanko Velkov-Yaneca —
AUTOFOCUS III 21/05/2019 – 25/05/2019 Exhibition paintings by students from the Department of Visual Arts of the Sofia University / Series of student events in gallery ETUD / —